Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Photo Journal

I had my post all typed up and ready to go, but it somehow managed to get deleted. AAARRGHHHH! Okay, here we go again: 

This past two weeks, my photography class has been working on a photo journal. The first week, we had to previsualize the assignment, and the second was for actually shooting the event. My original plan was to photograph the riding lesson of one of the girls I sometimes ride with at my stable, but those plans fell through due to scheduling problems. Sooo, I was stuck at home, racking my brain for something interesting to do my journal on. Finally, as I was looking at the light emerging from our chicken coop one night, I had a brainstorm (hooray for brainstorms!) and settled on the idea of 'a day in the life of a chicken' for my photo journal. Our chickens' lives are very simple: they get let out in the morning, eat all day, and then go back to bed at night. This made the 4 picture requirement for the Journal much easier to meet :). For my first shot, I knew right off the bat that I wanted a picture of the coop the way it was when I first got my idea. To achieve this, I got up at 6:30 the following morning (for those of you who don't know me well, I'm a late sleeper) and went out in 8 degree weather (I'm also not good with cold) to take the shot. I experimented around with various shutter speeds, and also discovered that your tongue really will stick to metal if it's cold enough. Anyway, after shooting all day, I ended up with three pictures that I liked and one that I didn't really, but had to use anyway. Hopefully I make up for those points in creativity :)...

So, yeah. That's my photo journal :). What do you think? 
Here are some other pictures I took from both this journal and another one that I started, but that wouldn't have turned out well:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Environmental & Group Portraits

Last week, we had more portraiture assignments. In addition to the finer details of portraiture, we also discussed group composition. The assignments for the week were to submit one environmental portrait and one group portrait showing effective group composition...

My environmental portrait:

My group portrait: 

A few random shots from the week. (Sorry about the quality - they didn't shrink down very well :P)

Funny picture :). Look at the hands...

The coolest little bookshop ever! It's not very wide, but it's really long...everywhere you turn, there's another nook or passageway.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Post in 2013!

Happy new year, everyone! Because I didn't actually take any pictures on Christmas or New Year's, I'm uploading a random collection of pictures that includes my homework for our second to last class. We are currently working on portraiture, and for the first week, (the week shown here) we had to submit a three quarter view from a posed photo shoot and one candid picture that captured personality, etc. I realized a little too late that I had to do a 3qv shot for my posed shoot, and ended up having to use my brothers. It was painful for all involved.

I finally ended up choosing this one, because it shows his personality, he's making eye contact with the camera, and it was a three quarters view. And because all the ones of my brothers sitting still looked like they were in a trance. I wasn't too happy with how his chin got cut  off, but at least I had something to submit. 

This was my candid shot. Nate was much more cooperative in this one, but the car wasn't ;).

I used my friend, Madison, for the next shoot.  She is not only much more cooperative, but she's also much prettier ;). These were taken after the first week's homework was due.

 This one is my favorite from the shoot, even though the composition isn't any good.

~And a few random pictures from the last few weeks~

White lights in my bedroom. 

A cool old car I saw walking back from the park with Madison. I just snapped a few pictures quickly, because it was too cold to stand still :P

 Icicles! Actually, I find this picture pretty boring. I have really cute pictures of some little kids sledding after church, but since I haven't gotten the parents' permission to post them, I'm making due with this. (I feel somewhat obligated to post at least one wintery picture, since we didn't have any snow/ice last year)

New Year's Eve henna! My friend's mom, an artist, did this for me. It was her first try with henna...pretty good :). My mom took the picture.

This is my own feeble attempt. Also an awkward hand pic :P