Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

More of the Boiler Works

This past Saturday was spent with friends in PA walking through fresh snow, drinking chai lattes, browsing secondhand bookstores, and further exploring the boiler works. 

*Disclaimer* Due to the snow, dirt, finicky lighting, and the fact that we were just having fun, most of these pictures aren't anything amazing. 
Also, there are a ton of them, so prepare yourself ;). They look best when blown up, not in the thumbnail view.

This is probably one of my all-time favorite pictures 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow storm

This morning, I awakened to a glittering, icy, prismatic tree waving outside my bedroom window, begging me to step outside. Of course, I brought my camera. Few things can possibly compare to the resplendent beauty everywhere, and my camera fell far short of capturing the scene. However, I hope they give you a glimpse of my world at the moment :). Enjoy!

 Due to the fact that we live in the suburbs surrounded by other houses, cars and telephone poles, the angles from which I can photograph this tree are extremely limited. Ahh, well. At least the neighbor's manicured yard makes for a good background.

I just *had* to throw this one in too. We have almost three feet of snow now, as you can see. There's a beehive in there, somewhere...

Monday, January 6, 2014


Just a few random pictures of my typewriter that I found from a month or two ago.