Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Creativity 2

This week's assignment was a lot of fun! To stretch our creativity, we had to have an assistant pick a subject that is similar in size and shape to several other objects, without telling you what it was. They then had to blindfold you and give you the object to feel and explore for five minutes - no peeking allowed! After that, the blindfold was removed and you had to take 25 different frames using the subject. After the shoot, we had to choose our favorite and least favorite shots and submit them for the week's homework. My mom was my helper, and she pulled out some little ceramic figurines for me to photograph. Below is my favorite shot from the shoot. I'm not going to show you my worst - that's just embarrassing, but take my word for it, you're not missing anything ;)

 This picture is one of my very favorites. You can probably see why :)

...and here are some more photos. 
It was pretty hard for me to pick my favorite of these photos. I like the light best in this one, but the composition and focus best in the one I submitted. 

I was trying to get both in focus, but the bird was moving too fast :/.

Mom hates this one, since I managed to find the dustiest place in the basement. I kind of like it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Contact Sheet

Last week, one of the two assignments we had was to take an ordinary subject -either a chair, cup, or shoes- and spend at least an hour photographing it, taking a minimum of 100 frames and coming up with pictures that were all clearly different and used various focal lengths, DOFs, etc. Because I had to shoot this at night, I didn't have the best lighting, but here are most of my pictures. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


 Pictures taken after a heavy rain yesterday.  

 I had to crop this picture, because my lens wouldn't let me get close enough.

 A pile of bird netting. 

A cropped section of netting.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Project 2

This past two weeks was spent working on our second project of the year. This time, instead of a photo story, we had to pick a subject and show it in three different settings that display what we've been covering recently. The first one had to use complementary colors, the second had to use supporting elements, and the third had to be in black and white. Below are my submissions, as well as some other photos from the project.

More pictures from this project: 

An ENORMOUS thank you goes to my friend Madison, who patiently sat there in freezing cold weather and let me photograph her.

The pictures of the hands were actually really hard to take, because the hands are mine. Trying to direct other people just wasn't getting me the results I needed, so I used a tripod and shutter release cable to get the shots.